How To Landscape Your Home Exterior


Landscaping your front yard is an easy way to give yourself a fresh new look and make your home more attractive. Whether you want to redefine your style, add value to your property or simply improve curb appeal, this article will show you how to create the perfect landscape design for your home exterior.

How To Landscape Your Home Exterior

Consider the location of your home when creating your landscape design.

When creating your landscape design, it’s important to consider the location of your home in relation to the sun.

The sun moves across the sky throughout the day and is at its highest point around noon. This means that certain areas of your property will receive more sunlight than others throughout the year. You can use this information when deciding which plants will thrive best in certain areas of your yard, as well as how much shade each spot requires (more on this later).

Find inspiration for your front yard by visiting model homes and landscaped streets.

  • Go to a model home and look at the landscaping.
  • Look at landscaped streets in your neighborhood.
  • Look at other homes in your neighborhood.
  • Look at homes in magazines or on the internet, and then try to imagine how you would landscape your own property if it looked like theirs!

Select materials that will last for years to come.

In order for your landscape design to achieve its full potential, you’ll want to select materials that will last for years to come. Avoid using materials that are easily damaged by weather, pests or other factors. Also keep in mind that some plants may require more maintenance than others; if you plan on having an extensive garden, consider including a variety of plants so that they can help each other out in terms of water and sunlight requirements.

Include different levels in your landscape design.

Include different levels in your landscape design.

Use a variety of plants and trees to add height, color and texture. This will create a sense of depth and interest for the eye, which makes the whole space seem bigger than it actually is. You can use shrubs at ground level to soften hard edges, or plant them around trees so they’ll grow up around them over time. Then use taller plants such as bamboo or bamboo grasses along with flowering perennials at mid-level (or even higher) that provide color during different times of year–in springtime when everything else has died back from winter cold weather conditions!

Use trees and shrubs to create privacy for your home.

The best way to create privacy for your home is by planting trees and shrubs. The right plants can block views of the inside of your house, as well as noise from outside sources such as traffic or neighbors’ parties. In order for them to be effective at creating privacy, though, they need to be planted at the right distance from your house so that they don’t block too much light.

Incorporate water features into your landscaping designs.

Landscaping your home is an excellent way to add value to your property, but it’s also important to consider how your landscape will enhance the look of your home.

A water feature is an excellent way of creating interest and adding a focal point in your yard. Water fountains make use of natural elements like ponds or streams by incorporating flowing water into the design. This gives them added sound effects as well as movement that can be enjoyed from inside or outside of the house. Water features are also great for adding tranquility into any space, making them perfect for those who want peace and quiet away from city life!

Use color, height and textures to add visual interest to your home exterior.

Use color, height and texture to add visual interest to your home exterior.

  • Color: Color is a great way to make a statement on the exterior of your home. It can also be used as an accent or complementary element in addition to other landscaping elements such as plants and hardscapes (sidewalks). When selecting colors for your landscape, consider what will look good against the backdrop of neighboring houses or businesses so that you don’t stand out too much from them!
  • Height: Adding height with trees and shrubs can help break up large expanses of flat surfaces like decks or patios without adding too much bulkiness at ground level because their foliage tends not take up much space at eye level when viewed from afar. Taller plants may require some maintenance over time but they’re generally easier than lower ones when it comes down do maintenance tasks like trimming back dead branches/leaves throughout winter months (when there aren’t many people around).

Choose the right plants, trees, stones and other materials to make your property look great

When choosing plants, trees and stones for your backyard, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Choose plants that are native to your area. They’ll be more likely to thrive in the local climate and soil conditions.
  • Choose drought tolerant plants if you live in an area where water is scarce or expensive (which is just about everywhere). This way you can save money on watering costs!
  • Make sure any trees you plant are large enough not only for now but also when they grow up into full-sized adults–you don’t want them taking over your property later on!


We hope that you’ve found this article helpful and inspiring. If you’re ready to get started on your own landscape design project, we encourage you to do so! It can be a lot of fun, and it will make your home look amazing. Remember that there are many different ways to approach this process: from finding inspiration for your front yard by visiting model homes and landscaped streets (which we covered in “How To Landscape Your Home Exterior”), to selecting materials that will last for years to come (covered in “Landscaping Tips For Your Property”).